From Pen 2 Pen... examines the life of an individual who spent time in the Prison Industrial Complex. The storybegins by analyzing society in regard to the constitution and how men and women are treated based on the color of their skin. As a result of the rules that govern society, the author describes his stay in a maximum securityprison. This episode led the author down a path that was unforeseen but became a reality, which affects how he looks at and examines certain people based on skin color. The author utilizes the ink/pen to explain how he made the transition from Pen life to learning about the components that make up our criminal justice system. The tools of education are outlined throughout the story. It helps the reader understand what it takes to make that transition from criminal activity to fundamental awareness. The author managed to attend a community college, a four-year college and, later, graduate school. While engaging in these institutions of education, the author developed a passion for learning the best form of rehabilitation. The path this book follows can be used in any society in anypart of the world. Moreover, the author continues to explain how none of his achievements were successfully completed without the help, instructions, and guidance from his Creator and Sustainer: Allah, Lord of All the Worlds.
(Book) From Pen 2 Pen...
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